Campus Directory
Meg Carroll
Title: | Professor |
Office: | Warde Academic Center |
Phone: | 773-298-3212 |
Email: | |
Department: | Education |
Margaret (Meg) Kelly Carroll, Ed.D., is a professor of education at Saint Xavier University, teaching courses in special education, early childhood education, and instructional methods. Carroll earned her Ed.D. in curriculum and instruction at Loyola University of Chicago with minors in special education, reading, higher education, and philosophy of education. With a master's degree in learning disabilities from Chicago State University and a bachelor's degree in elementary education and special education from University of Illinois in Urbana, she has published five books and more than 60 articles. She and a colleague developed a bilingual (Arabic and English) set of materials for working with children with autism called The Optimism Kit.
Ed.D. in Curriculum and Instruction
Loyola University of Chicago
M.S. in Learning Disabilities
Chicago State University
Areas of Specialization
- Special Education
- Early Childhood Education
- Effective Instruction
- English Learners
Courses Taught
- EDGSP 520: Characteristics of Students with Disabilities
- EDGSP 522: Adaptations and Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
- EDGSP 525: Methods of Teaching Students with Disabilities
- EDGSP 526: Practicum: Students with Disabilities
- EDGSP 530: Student Teaching: Students with Disabilities
- EDGSP 531: Behavior Management
- EDGSP 532: Individualized Positive Behavior Support Plans
- EDGSP 459: Methods, Curriculum and Philosophy of Middle School
- EDGSP 413: Survey of Students with Exceptionalities
- EDU 304: Foundations of Curriculum and Teaching Math for K-2
- EDU 253: Integrated Methods of Teaching PreK
- EDGEC 503: Foundations and Methods of Teaching Literacy and Social Studies, K-2
Selected Honors/Awards
- Volunteer Recognition Award, Learning Disabilities Association, 2013, 2015, 2016
- Appointment to Early Childhood Committee Chair, Learning Disabilities Association, 2016.
- Appointment to Early Childhood Committee, Learning Disabilities Association, 2013.
- Sam Kirk Educator of the Year Award, Learning Disabilities Association, 2012.
- Excellence in Teaching Award, Illinois Teacher Education Division of Council for Exceptional Children, 2011
- ¡Creemos! (We Believe) Award, Our Lady of Tepeyac High School, 2009
A frequent conference (over 150) and staff development (over 1,000) presenter, Carroll also acts as a consultant for several Chicago area public and private elementary, middle and high schools.
She is president and newsletter editor for the Learning Disabilities Association of Illinois and is on the board of Our Lady of Tepeyac High School in Little Village.
Sample Teacher Presentations
- Common core standards in English language arts and math: What to expect;
- Diagnoses that influence behavior: What to do;
- Transition to college and study tips for students with disabilities;
- READY, Set, go! Test preparation;
- Curriculum planning for students with intellectual disabilities;
- Autism and families;
- Setting Language Goals AND Content Goals for Lessons;
- Adaptations and accommodations for students with disabilities.
Sample Parent Presentations
- The Hopes and Hassles of Homework: The Parents' Playbook
- Discussing Dyspraxia: Dealing with the Difficulties
- Dysgraphia: What about Those Kids Who Don't Write Right?
- There's NOTHING to Do! Coping with the Summer Lament of Children
- Twice Exceptional: Children Who Are Gifted AND Have Disabilities
Selected Conference Presentations
- Those Words Don't Mean the Same Thing in Math: Vocabulary Challenges and Strategies to Meet Those Challenges. Illinois Council for Exceptional Children.
- Everything You Need to Know about IEP's: General Educators, Special Educators, Parents, Administrators, Support Personnel, Paraprofessionals. Illinois Council for Exceptional Children, Chapter 99.
- Teaching Explicit Math Strategies for Mathematics. Best Practices in Nonpublic Special Education Programs Conference.
- Disabilities and YOU! Joliet Junior College Disabilities Awareness Week.
- Differentiating While Meeting the Social-Emotional Needs of Students. Proficio Conference.
- Accommodating, Aiding, and Affirming Students with ADD/ADHD. Illinois Council for Exceptional Children.
- Feel the Wind: Hands-On STEAM. Illinois Council for Exceptional Children Conference.
- How Teachers Can Respond to Challenging Behavior Paired with Language Barriers. Learning Disabilities of Illinois Conference.
- Behavior Management for Paraprofessionals. Illinois Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders.
Selected Publications
- Carroll, M.K. (2023, Winter). Teaching explicit strategies for mathematics learning. LDA of Illinois Scope, 56 (2), 2,6.
- Carroll, M.K. (2022, Fall). What about those kids who don't write right? LDA of Illinois Scope, 56 (1), 6.
- Carroll, M.K. (2021, Summer). Learning disabilities: Numerous and still mysterious? LDA of Illinois Scope, 54 (4), 1.
- Carroll, M.K. (2021, Summer). Teachers' corner: Many students with LD struggle with reading comprehension. LDA of Illinois Scope, 54 (4), 3.
- Carroll, M.K. (2021, Winter). Am I alone? Bibliotherapy helps children and adults with Learning Disabilities learn to accept and cope. LDA of Illinois Scope, 54 (2), 7.
- Carroll, M.K. (2021, Winter). Easing depression and anxiety in teens during these COVID days. LDA Illinois Schope, 54 (2), 5-6
- Carroll, M.K. (2020, Fall). Reasons why students aren't showing up and staying logged on and challenges teachers face with remote teaching and learning. LDA of Illinois Scope, 54 (1), 5-7